E-Learning Platform Development for Online Business Coaching
- Fully automated coaching process
- Secure collection, storage, and distribution of personal data
- Integration with Sage CRM, Box.com, Google, and Outlook Calendars
- User activity tracking and management

Our customer, Building Champions Inc. is an Oregon-based pioneer in business coaching. The Customer aimed at developing a web portal that would facilitate the coaching process by providing seamless client data and activity management. The customer’s business goal was to automate manual data processing and to enhance their clients’ coaching experience. With this in mind, Building Champions Inc. turned to Iflexion, a company with a solid expertise in elearning development and a rich portfolio of custom e-learning solutions.
Our team developed an interactive e-learning platform that comprises a set of tools to collect and manage user personal data, track and administer user activities, and manage content. Apart from that, the delivered web application transfers the collected data to the Customer’s internal CRM system. It also allows users to retrieve relevant information, tasks, schedules, and documents from the CRM via the web portal.
The solution is integrated with the Customer’s CRM, thus ensuring data consistency and coherent user experience. Its functionality varies depending on the user role:
- Clients can submit their personal information, fill in profile questionnaires, take online psychological tests, view session schedules and upload them to their calendars, view notifications, messages, and action plans, as well as upload and download relevant documents via the web portal.
- Administrators utilize the web portal to view client activity logs, edit questionnaires, and receive e-mail notifications on user activity.
- Coaches can access client data through the CRM, track and schedule clients’ activities, send private messages, upload and download documents, as well as receive e-mail notifications.

Data Collection and Storage
The platform automates manual data processing and its further submission to the CRM. The application generates registration links that users get by e-mail. While registering within the platform, clients are invited to submit their personal information and to take online tests. The submitted data and test results then go to the Customer’s CRM system. Personal information remains fully editable for clients, so they can change it anytime through the web portal.
Activity Tracking and Management
Enhanced e-learning process implies an improved approach to user activity tracking and management. That’s why Iflexion designed the platform to let both coaches and clients keep control over their activities and administer them easily.
The solution enables administrators to stay tuned into users’ actions and receive notifications whenever clients upload documents, complete tasks, reschedule coaching sessions, or edit personal data. As for clients, they get notified about rescheduled sessions, new tasks, and documents uploaded by coaches.
As part of e-learning platform development project, Iflexion also integrated Google and Outlook calendars into the platform. This enables users to synchronize their activities and schedules located in different applications, thus getting a unified calendar within the e-learning portal.
Cloud Storage
The solution utilizes the Box.com cloud services, which enables users to save and access their content securely and promptly. Learning materials, treatises, completed assignments and other media content is available for clients and coaches to upload and access easily via both the web portal and the CRM. The solution also allows users to modify existing editable media content and save changes online without re-uploading them to the cloud.
During the e-learning platform development, Iflexion relied on the ASP.NET MVC as the main technology framework. The team used Microsoft Entity Framework as the data access layer coupled with third-party components. The database layer was built on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
Iflexion’s developers used Bootstrap to create the app’s front-end. The team chose this front-end library to create a responsive and mobile-friendly solution.
The web portal is integrated with Sage CRM, a scalable and affordable customer management solution. The integration allowed developers to ensure smooth data exchange between two systems and quick access to information aggregated in a single UI. The highly customizable Box API was used to ensure seamless content sharing.
During the year-long project, Iflexion designed and implemented a fully-functioning e-learning portal built in line with the Customer’s requirements. The delivered solution allowed the Customer to improve the existing coaching process by minimizing efforts of both internal specialists and clients. The new solution minimized manual data processing, ensured data consistency, and enabled a better visibility of users’ activities, thus making the entire coaching cycle more structured and transparent.
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